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Opportunities for Impact 2025

Corporate & Family Sponsorships that make an impact in our community.

Vision Sponsors

As a Vision Sponsor, your donation directly supports our programs, bringing hope and healing to those in need.

Click here to become a Vision Sponsor

Event Sponsors

As an Event Sponsor, your donation enables impactful fundraising through two annual events that fuel our mission and drive lasting growth.

Click here to become an event sponsor!

Volunteer at the Ranch

Want to help out at the ranch? Do you have a specific skill that might help us? Not sure where you could fit in? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you about where we could use your help or the help of your organization.

Get Involved

Pray for the Ranch

The Haven

  • Residents– that current and former residents would continue to encounter the love of Jesus
  • Homes– that the peace and presence of Jesus would reside and reign
  • Residents’ Children– that they would be covered, protected, and provided for


  • Protection– that every acre and building would be protected from damage and destruction
  • Provision-that everything needed to steward our land and buildings would be provided
  • Dedication– that we use this land always to the glory of God

Staff & Volunteers

  • Resilience– for protection, unity, and a spirit of encouragement over them

Finances & Donors

  • Provision– that we would have creative fundraising ideas
  • Blessing– that His blessing would rest heavily on those who partner with Dogwood
  • Relationships– that new relationships would develop with those who He is calling to help finance these ministries

The Village

  • Planning & Development– that our team has wisdom and favor throughout the planning and development process
  • Community Connections– we are asking God to strategically connect us with those in the community that He has called to partner with us
  • Future Family & Kids– that God would begin to prepare every future family and foster youth that will eventually call The Village ‘home’

Healing Reins

  • Clients-that every foster youth, at risk family, veteran, and first responder that goes through our program experiences wholeness and healing
  • Horses– for health and safety
  • Sessions– that God would use every session to speak life over broken situations

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